Our Shiloh Shepherd Pedigrees
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Shiloh Shepherd Pedigrees Index

Raid the Wind's Olympic Ranger, CGC

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Males          Females


This information on our pet Shiloh Shepherd's family tree is shared with pride.  If you have a Shiloh Shepherd or are planning to get a Shiloh Shepherd, you may find it interesting and entertaining to trace your Shiloh's lineage too. This information should never be used to assess the suitability of a breeding.  These are names only and tell nothing about the genetics involved.  Because Shiloh Shepherds are a rare breed still under development, it is especially important to select a good breeder.  The information and photos included are accurate to the best of our knowledge.  Any question of accuracy regarding any Shiloh Shepherd in Ranger's pedigree will be resolved as determined by Ranger's breeder, Raid the Wind Kennels.

Web Page by Ranger Productions
Web Page by Ranger Productions